Kim's Other Pages



Lou Christie

One of American Pop Music's first rebel singer songwriters is Lou Christie. Lou's songs really pushed the envelope lyrically. His music was absolutely pop gold. You know... I don't think I have met anyone who doesn't love "Lightning Strikes". All of Lou's songs are on my top list.

Lou Christie's chart topping, multi-million selling career as a songwriter, recording artist, and performer started in a two-track studio in Glenwillard Pennsylvania, his rural hometown near Pittsburgh. Lou's first million selling song, "The Gypsy Cried", transformed a local choirboy, Lugee Alfredo Giovanni Sacco, into Lou Christie and then into a national teen idol, while still a teenager himself. Lou's Bio HERE


Over the decade of the 1960's Lou followed success with greater success. "Two Faces Have I" was his next big hit featuring his stratospheric falsetto. Lou forever embedded himself and his uniquely talented voice into America's consciousness with his number 1 multi-million selling success "Lightning Strikes". Lou Christie Lou's chart success continued with two more million selling hits, "Rhapsody in the Rain" and "I'm Gonna Make You Mine". 


  1. Saw him in concert twice. And yes, he can still hit those high notes!"

  2. I've loved Lou Christie since I was a kid (had the 45 of "I'm Gonna Make You Mine." I remembering playing it so many times in a row, that my brother yelled at me!

    He's still gorgeous!


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