Kim's Other Pages



Jesse Xavier

As I was researching some things the  other night I ran across a video by Jesse Xavier.  America... This video reminded me of the MC5 back in the day.  There was something compelling about Jesse. I hear so much music from many many new bands...Jesse's music moved me...and I really want my friends to listen to him play...

Guitarist and vocalist...Jesse wrote these songs and plays the instruments.  His musician buddies fill in when he needs an assist and that is totally what friends are all about... Jesse and I talked for a long time and I really think this man is special. He has a really different world view. Loved him...

Jesse Xavier is of Native American descent Kickapoo/Shawnee.  He is an authentic Detroiter born and raised on the south west side....Jesse spent time in the Army in Europe and his music has an unusual depth...he has an important message and such drama.

An accomplished singer song writer, Jesse Xavier has performed and recorded in Germany, Spain, Austria..and in the US. Jesse.has performed with members of RARE EARTH,,MOLLY HATCHET,,ROBB ROYY,

Spoke with my friend Jim Randolph about Jesse tonight and I shared some of Jesse's tunes and Jim thought he was just into straight blues.  We agreed that it is tough to play blues now days unless you have a really unique style ala Stevie Ray...but take a listen to "Slip Slide"... dig it gang...

I'd love to see Jesse's music on soundtracks for film and tv... stay tuned for more on this Detroit talent. His tunes cover the board from blues, rock, country and dance...he does it all so well...


1 comment:

  1. I loved this! great guitar and songs.. Detroit Rocks! hope to hear more from Jesse Xavier..


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