Kim's Other Pages



Lynn (Leahy) Harper

I had a blast on the phone last night with the amazing TV producer/Teacher/PR magician Lynn Harper. We met via telephone at the suggestion of her hubby Detroit DJ Jim Harper. Lynn has a wide variety of skills on her fabulous resume and is now fixing the PR biz....One client at a time......

Jim told me how brilliant and wonderful Lynn is and I totally agree...I told her stories that I had never told anyone! Hope Lynn didn't tape that call!!! OMG.... 

From Lynn Harper....

"I'm a Jersey girl...born and raised. My family still lives back East. I came to Michigan by way of Scranton PA and Toledo OH..both TV jobs."

"I hosted a PM Magazine for a few years in each city. Then, I was hired at Channel 4. Worked there for 14 years as a Special Projects and Promotion producer."

DJ Jim and TV producer Lynn Harper

"Jim Harper and I met when he was brought in as a vacation host for a show I produced called
Fame and Fortune...the weekly lottery show."

Lynn and Jim aka Emma Peel and John Steed for a costume party! Cool Morgan....

"We married 21 years ago in a small ceremony at The Whitney restaurant..In the late 90's, I left WDIV CH 4 and went back to school. I got a Masters at Oakland University, then got my teaching certificate. For 7 years, I taught freshman high school English."

"Retired"  Jim Harper with their  rescue baby Pippa!

When Jim retired, I wanted a more flexible schedule, so I started my boutique PR firm, The Wow Factory.

Retro Kimmer

The Wow Factory's president, Lynn Harper, knows a lot about getting things done. Her personal and professional success has come about as a result of a purpose-driven life guided by her passion for imaginative thinking, writing, education, and a desire to pay it forward. She holds an undergraduate degree in communications and a master's in English from Oakland University.

As an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, she has 20 years of media experience — and she has contacts who can help smaller companies get that "foot in the door" to promote their business.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn Harper is top drawer all the way around! What a great piece on a true professional and terrific lady!


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