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Ever heard about the fighter pilot ritual of bringing out "the Weed"? Me neither! But it involves filling a shot glass for each person present and then proposing a toast. At the conclusion of the toast, all down their Weed in a single gulp. It is nasty stuff..100 proof and tastes like rocket fuel... Now we find out the true story behind the AF pilots' reverence for this low-grade booze...

My friend and AF F16 fighter pilot/instructor, Kurt Tek sent me this story on the history behind Air Force fighter pilots' love affair with 100 proof Jeremiah Weed whiskey...

I love history, don't you? LOL

Kurt is a good friend of the legendary Joe Bob Phillips...

Every USAF fighter squadron has a lounge where the pilots sometimes gather for a cold beer after the flying day is over. Every refrigerator in each of those lounges contains a chilled bottle of a 100-proof product called Jeremiah Weed. For special occasions, and sometimes for no reason at all, someone will bring out the Weed, fill a shot glass for each person present, and propose a toast.

At the conclusion of the toast, all down their Weed in a single gulp. It is not tasty. To many, it seems like drinking kerosene, and it leaves a very strong aftertaste. Be that as it may, few refuse because the downing of a Weed is a ritual deeply imbedded in the fighter pilot culture.


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