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“Each star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you.” ~Aberihani

The Star is the magic card of the day, and what a card it is! The Star calls in inspiration, hope, light, and all that is bright! The star shines in the night offering you guidance and clarity. The star card speaks of being on path, trusting in your light, and turning everything over to the universe to work out the details. This cards also refers to self awareness, self assurance , and self love. The star is regarding spirit and the connection within. This card is the light at the end of the tunnel! Jai! You are shinning bright !

The Star Tarot card brings renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the Universe at this time. Courage, fulfilment, and inspiration are in your life. You are entering a loving phase in your life, filled with calm energy, mental stability and deeper understanding of both yourself and others around you. This card is saying to you that, over the long-term, you should have faith and trust in the Universe. A better future is waiting for you but in order to reach it you must trust that it is indeed possible.

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