

What Should I Focus On?
Card 1 (Strength) : »

This may be a time when the only things which will get you through are good old fashioned courage and bravery.

Some say that we are not measured by our successes, but how we deal with our failures. This implies the choice between wallowing in our negative thoughts and emotions, or hauling ourselves up by the boot straps and finding the courage to go on.

If you want a promotion or you are seeking a new job, but set backs and rejections are making you feel like a failure, keep applying - don't give up.

In the area of love, have the courage to do what's right for you. Avoid focusing on loss, rejection and loneliness, and instead focus on the possibility that you will find the kind of love and relationship you desire ... or that it will find you!

In the area of finances, focus on the money that's coming in, and find ways to increase the flow, rather than focusing on any expenses or losses that are draining your resources.

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