

This post is for TEE who emailed RK and asked us if we knew where to buy Yardley slicker lip polish. Unfortunately they are stuck back in the late 60's and banished to Ebay if you are lucky to find one. Which I did just now. Go bid on it HERE

I did find a little online store that carries Yardley scents which I loved the lilly of the valley scent when I was a teen. My Nanna wore the English Lavender which I haven't smelled that since the 80's.


Check this out! I just found a cool flickr picture set featuring Yardley magazine advertisements go see them HERE

Here is a very retro set of favorites sent in from a RK fan...

Slicker Lip Polish from Yardley, Needed to be white. very light pink, Loves Baby soft, Bonne Bell Ten O Six, Blue Mascara (making a HUGE comeback) , Dippity Do, Sun IN , stick/pancake make-up (Max Factor), Cutex Nail Polish and Revlon Polishes too

Check this out they are bringing white lipsticks back now too! Very cool retro fabulous in our opinion. Because as we already know there has never been a more fantastically super cool decade like the 1960's!

What better way to end this retro makeup story than a video featuring one of our favorites of the retro age Edie Sedgewick and Nico too!

If any of you have photos of your cool retro stuff and you'd like to share PLZ send them to Retrokimmer@gmail.com


Cyd Netemeyer said...

"SLICKER. I still have Frosted Slicker lipstick and Glimmerick eye shadows. I just cannot pitch it."

The Snarky View said...

We loved the Love cosmetics especially the Lemon body splash. slickers were very cool and Yardley needs to relaunch this fab retro line.

annie said...

That's so great. I LOOOVED those Yardley slicker products. I don't have any left but I DO have a pair of those yardley eyelashes, they made one design that were all looop-de-loop - no one's ever made that design again... also I remember the TV jingle singing 'slicker under... slicker over... slicker alone....' such a cool makeup line. That key chain pictured was uptown slicker, the frosty white color. SO COOL.

Retro Kimmer said...

I love that stuff too, that is what my blog was about in the beginning

Fast Film said...

That's model Sue Murray at the top of your blog, Bailey's favorite model immediately post-Shrimpton.

Cheryl Sinclair said...

"We were totally into the Yardley products and the Carnaby fashion look. Loved all the patterned nylons which were so "racy" in the 60's."

Diann Boik said...

Remember when Yardley came out with the white and pale blue lipstick. I lined my eyes with black liner lots of mascara and white lips Oh and of course I died my hair black and ironed it with an iron - platform shoes, mini dress patterned nylons and then went to the Fifth Dimension Club on Huron Street on Sundays and saw great Bands - oh yeah what fun

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the Yardley Lily Of the Valley scent was anything like the scent of Slicker lip polish? I sure would love to find a fragrance like Slicker! It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I figured it out!! The scent of Slicker lip polish is cucumber water! I kid you, not! Try this and see: Fill a 1/2-gal glass container with clean, non-chlorinated (chlorine stinks!) water, and add 5 or 6 fresh cucumber slices to it. Cover and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes; the longer, the better. Don't sniff the water & cucumbers in the pitcher; it's not the same. Just pour some of the cucumber water in a glass...not only does it taste delicious, it smells just like Slicker. I have a very good nose; I have a tube of Slicker with the Yardley scent, and I cannot tell the difference, except for the strength. Unbelievable!

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