It was 20 years ago today that the horrific murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman took place. We sat glued to the television from the first news report that came in. We hollered in frustration with every bad decision in court. We were so depressed at the not guilty verdict....
Kim and her Dad Fred Goldman
But today...we will not mention the killer's name as he deserves no such attention. We will remember the victims and the children, families, and friends left to sort through the misery left behind...RIP Nicole and Ron
"I can't imagine two more brutal murders. They were both killed at the hand of Simpson wielding a knife in an utter state of rage, and they were defenseless and he was a very powerful man," says Daniel Petrocelli, who offered this theory to the jury as one of the attorneys who proved the disgraced football star liable for the deaths after a criminal jury acquitted him.
Her sister Tanya has a new book out about her is lovely
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