

The next full Moon will occur on Sunday, July 5, 2020, at 12:44AM ET, and is known as the Full Buck Moon. It is also known as the Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, or the Wort Moon. Even though this Moon turns 100% full on July 5th (in the Eastern Time Zone), we can all celebrate it on the 4th along with fireworks!

The next full moon will be:

Sunday * 5 July 2020
Moon sign: Capricorn 13° 37'

In other time zones:
WELLINGTON = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 4:44:25 pm (NZST)
SYDNEY = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 2:44:25 pm (AEST)
TOKYO = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 1:44:25 pm (JST)
BEIJING = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 12:44:25 pm (CST)
BANGKOK = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 11:44:25 am (ICT)
DELHI = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 10:14:25 am (IST)
DUBAI = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 8:44:25 am (GST)
MOSCOW = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 7:44:25 am (MSK)
BERLIN = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 6:44:25 am (CEST)
LAGOS = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 5:44:25 am (WAT)
LONDON = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 5:44:25 am (BST)
RIO = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 1:44:25 am (BRT)
SANTIAGO = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 12:44:25 am (CLT)
NEW YORK = Sunday * 5 July 2020 * 12:44:25 am (EDT)
MEXICO CITY = Saturday * 4 July 2020 * 11:44:25 pm (CDT)
CALGARY = Saturday * 4 July 2020 * 10:44:25 pm (MDT)
LOS ANGELES = Saturday * 4 July 2020 * 9:44:25 pm (PDT)
ANCHORAGE = Saturday * 4 July 2020 * 8:44:25 pm (AKDT)
HONOLULU = Saturday * 4 July 2020 * 6:44:25 pm (HAST)

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