The Strength card Under a golden sky, a woman gently pats a lion on its forehead and lower jaw. The woman gazes down at the lion with a peaceful smile on her face and appears to be successfully taming this wild beast. The fact that Strength is represented by a woman indicates that this card is not focused on pure physical strength. She has the infinity symbol above her head, the same symbol seen in the Magician. Her white robe is that of the innocent Fool, indicating a purity of spirit.
- showing strength
- knowing you can endure
having a gallant spirit
feeling an unshakable resolve
taking heart despite setbacks
having stamina
being a rock - being patient
- dealing calmly with frustration
accepting others
taking time
maintaining composure
refusing to get angry
showing forbearance - being compassionate
- giving others lots of space
understanding what others are feeling
forgiving imperfection
being kind - achieving soft control
- persuading
working with
guiding indirectly
being able to influence
tempering force with benevolence
demonstrating the strength of love
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