Astrology King: The New Moon on Thursday July 12, 2018 at 20° Cancer is a partial solar eclipse. The Solar Eclipse July 2018 astrology is influenced by a powerful opposition to minor planet Pluto. This indicates some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship or an event. An equally intense fixed star brings the potential for neurotic distress triggered by a deeply buried subconscious fear of disaster.
The 2018 Cancer New Moon is a partial solar eclipse, visible mostly over the ocean between Australia and Antarctica. It’s the first of the summer’s three, consecutive eclipses. The other two are in the Leo/Aquarius cycle that’s been with us since 2017.
The July 2018 Solar Eclipse signals the right time to transform something in your life holding you back from happiness and success. A fortunate Grand Trine configuration allows you to apply this transformation to your love life, finances or creative work. Hard work and determination will unleash the potential and opportunity held within the grand trine to help avert a personal crisis.
Partial solar eclipses happen when the Moon comes between the Sun and Earth, but the Moon only partially covers the Sun's disk.
During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon, the Sun and Earth don't align in a perfectly straight line, and the Moon casts only the outer part of its shadow, the penumbra, on Earth. From our perspective, this looks like the Moon has taken a bite out of the Sun.
Sometimes, the Moon covers only a tiny part of the Sun's disk. Other times a partial eclipse looks almost like a total eclipse. The size of the eclipsed area is referred to as eclipse magnitude. Read More Here
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