

Some Native American tribes in what is now the northeastern United States called the August full Moon the “Sturgeon Moon” because they knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this full Moon. Others called August’s full Moon the “Full Green Corn Moon,” signaling that the corn was nearly ready for harvest.

Different tribes used different Moon names. Other examples for August are: “Wheat Cut Moon” (San Ildefonso, and San Juan), “Moon When All Things Ripen” (Dakotah Sioux), and ”Blueberry Moon” (Ojibwe).

The exact time of the next full moon is:
Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 8:29:15 am (EDT)
Moon sign: Aquarius 22° 24'

Here you find this time converted into different timezones for other cities:
WELLINGTON = Friday * 16 August 2019 * 12:29:15 am (NZST)
SYDNEY = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 10:29:15 pm (AEST)
TOKYO = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 9:29:15 pm (JST)
BEIJING = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 8:29:15 pm (CST)
BANGKOK = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 7:29:15 pm (ICT)
DELHI = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 5:59:15 pm (IST)
DUBAI = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 4:29:15 pm (GST)
MOSCOW = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 3:29:15 pm (MSK)
BERLIN = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 2:29:15 pm (CEST)
LAGOS = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 1:29:15 pm (WAT)
LONDON = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 1:29:15 pm (BST)
RIO = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 9:29:15 am (BRT)
SANTIAGO = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 8:29:15 am (CLT)
NEW YORK = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 8:29:15 am (EDT)
MEXICO CITY = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 7:29:15 am (CDT)
CALGARY = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 6:29:15 am (MDT)
LOS ANGELES = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 5:29:15 am (PDT)
ANCHORAGE = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 4:29:15 am (AKDT)
HONOLULU = Thursday * 15 August 2019 * 2:29:15 am (HAST)

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