

(CNN) So you've heard of a blood moon, and maybe even a blue moon, but what about a black moon?

The phenomenon is occurring again in North America on July 31 -- the first one since 2016. The rest of the world will have to wait until August 30.

But, what does this even mean? Why is it important? Here's everything you need to know about this astronomical event.

A black moon is basically the second new moon of the month, something that rarely occurs. It works similarly to a Leap Year. A lunar cycle typically takes about 29 days to complete, but our months are slightly longer.

So sometimes, about every 32 months, we happen to get two full moons or two new moons. The second full moon in a month is called a blue moon, and the second new moon is called a black moon. Read More

Unlike past supermoon events, this upcoming black supermoon won't make for an impressive spectacle. A new moon occurs when the Moon falls between the Earth and the Sun. At this point in the lunar cycle, the Moon appears as a black, practically invisible silhouette in the night sky.

Even if you won't be able to see the Moon itself, you should still make time to look up on the night of Wednesday, July 31. A dark new moon creates the perfect viewing conditions for the multiple meteor showers that are active this time of year. To catch potential shooting stars when skies are darkest, wait until 11:12 p.m. EDT for the Moon to reach its full new moon phase.

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