

The parole board voted to release this convicted killer.....

Former Manson Family member Bruce Davis, who was sentenced to life in prison for two 1969 murders but was granted parole this year, was ordered on Friday to remain behind bars by California Governor Jerry Brown who rejected the decision to free him.

Governor of California, Jerry Brown has blocked the parole of Manson family killer Bruce Davis, right, in December 1970, and left in 2013. Davis completed a doctorate in religious studies while incarcerated, is active in peer counseling and has a near-spotless prison record. His last disciplinary write-up was in 1980. (Associated Press)

Jerry Brown reversed a parole board's March decision that there would be no danger to the public in releasing Bruce Davis, convicted of two murders as well as conspiracy to commit murder.

Davis has been serving a life sentence in a California state prison since his 1972 conviction for the murders of music teacher Gary Hinman, who was stabbed to death in July 1969, and stunt man Donald “Shorty” Shea, who was killed the following month. read more LA TIMES

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