

What do you say about Elvis? He was my father figure for my whole life. I guess it was because my father looked so much like him. My father had a southern drawl and played boogie woogie on the piano. He was 6'4 and had that dark wavy hair. His hair was naturally dark though Elvis dyed his dark.   

 In the late 80's I produced a traveling convention show around the US and worked in Memphis right before Christmas every year. I dragged my young staff to visit Graceland every year. They groused about going because they were young and he wasn't "cool" to them then. But now years later when I see one of my old staff kids they always bring up how lucky they were to see Elvis's home and the surrounding landmarks like Sun Records I made them go there too! Little bitty place.

Here is a picture of Elvis's jumpsuits. As you can see they used to just hang there and were out in the open. You could touch them if you really wanted to. Now I hear they are behind glass and displayed better. The air would destroy them and they need to be protected.

This is just like the cool watch I got at the souvenir shop across the street along with my "Teddy" Bear sweat shirt and Elvis ash trays!

One of my favorite stories I tell about going to Graceland is about Ruby the tour tram driver. I stayed on the tram one time as I had seen the tour so many times. As I was chatting with the driver, Ruby. She asked me what Graceland really looked like inside. She had been driving this tour bus for 15 years and never once went inside... ah people! One time I was with the show in Chicago and had a security manager there who used to do security for Elvis. 

He had the cool gold TCB (taking care of business) necklace that Elvis gave to people he liked. I go to put it on and wear it for a day. sigh....
My favorite room at Graceland was the living room. I really liked the custom built white couch. It was like 15 feet long and extra deep. At 5'8 your feet would stick straight out if you sat with your back against the pillows. 

My second favorite room is the gold records giant hallway. Man he had a ton of gold and platinum records! Take a virtual tour of Graceland!
Hall of gold and platinum records
My personal favorites:


Dee Gilbert said...

I knew it! I knew you would do an Elvis story!
I love the Graceland mansion pics! ! I am sorry you took his passing hard.
I see that Elvis's granddaughter is an actress.
I saw his grandson on T.V. and wanted a closer look.
Lisa Marie's kid's can probably go and stay there if it is ever closed to the public.
I always thought it would be so wild if Lisa would have had Michael Jackson's baby.lol!
I remember where I was that day in 1977.I had a 2 month old baby and saw the sad news on the couch watching T.V. and cried.
My Sister caught his last show at the silverdome and my parent's saw him in Vegas where he introduced his father and Ginger to the audience.My mom loved it! I often wondered what would have been had his twin Jesse survived.
They had an Elvis exhibit here that I wanted to go to and I think I saved the picture from the newspaper.
My God,he was so handsome.
I dated an Elvis impersonator, I heard he took his show on cruise ships, he was good.
Once again Kim! GREAT STORY!

Retro Kimmer said...


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