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From Detroit USA, The Ruiners are a wild and fantastic beast; pure white lightning & sexy self-destruction. Having endured club bannings, beatings, court enforced restraining orders, jail terms, cat fights, pregnancies, bankruptcies, heart attacks, overdoses, emergency room visits and death threats over the last 10 years, the band is now fresher, sexier & more self-confident then ever with their brand new album Happy Birthday Bitch . This 10 song blast of Detroit sleaze is destined to be thee greatest party record of all time, with a lot of fuzzed out sounds, primitive drums, mucho sex appeal & greasy bar room grit...and that my friends is what The Ruiners do best.
Since I am far from being a music reviewer, let start by saying that the Ruiners are THE MOST FUN band to see live ever! I have had so much fun filming them and knowing them as friends that I want everyone to get their new record "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH" which is one my snarky favorite songs...
Band Members are: Nina Friday, Rob Ruiner, Liz Ruiner, Rick Ruiner, Justin Ruiner
On their new CD I love SUGAR BUZZ... it's dance, it's punk, it's just pure fun. This band loves performing and the audience joins in their fun with great freaky glee.
Here is the CD song list:
1. Sugar Buzz
2. Love/Hate (Eat Me Alive)
3. Fix That Broken Halo
4. Charlie Laine Ate My Brain
5. Happy Birthday Bitch!
6. Suburban Cop
7. Messin' Around
8. Beer Time
9. Screw You
10. Panther Tears
One of my prized possessions is their autographed playlist from the first Ruiners show I filmed. After filming and photographing the band I realized that they were just so much more in person than conveyed on film. Their CD really captures their sound perfectly.
video Jonas Sluizas for Retrokimmer
Thanks so much Kim, GREAT JOB!! I'll be sure to get the word out...Matt
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate and love the honest "review" you wrote of the record. You get it--the live show is the band, not recordings! There is nobody like you Kimmer! You are the best!
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