The Eight of Cups indicates that it is time to ask yourself what you can do to bring a deeper satisfaction and joy to your life beyond the obvious pursuit of material satisfaction and/or physical enjoyment. You are seeking deeper meaning to life and focusing in on your personal truth.
The Eight of Cups also indicates that you are disappointed enough to walk away from everything you have built up so far. It could indicate a disappointment in love or dissatisfaction with material success. It could also indicate that you have over-extended yourself to the point of emotional exhaustion.
- seeking deeper meaning
- focusing on personal truth leaving the rat race looking for answers concentrating on what is important starting on a journey of discovery finding out the facts devoting more time to the spiritual
- moving on
- realizing the current cycle is over abandoning a hopeless situation disentangling yourself starting on a trip of unknown length letting go finishing up and walking away
- growing weary
- feeling drained by demands dragging through the day feeling tired and listless lacking energy losing hope getting weighed down by worries becoming burned out
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