


The Six of Wands card suggests that my power today lies in validation. I rise to the occasion and am motivated or made confident to take it to the next level by the recognition, admiration, praise, or accolades put on my achievements or personal success. I am newly aware of and proud of my sense of empowerment and I transform through acceptance.

The Six of Wands is all about success, victory and public recognition. Not only have you succeeded in achieving your goals, you are now being publicly acknowledged for your efforts and your results. You may have recently received an award, public acclaim or acknowledgement from your peers for the work that you have done. It may even be just a pat on the back or getting praise or recognition for your work. This instils a high level of confidence within yourself and gives you the strength to continue your efforts.

This card indicates that you have harnessed your strengths and talents in order to bring about a successful outcome in your endeavours. You have managed to get through the confusion of the Five of Wands, minimising your distractions, focusing on the task at hand. You have overcome the challenges along the way, and now you are focusing your energies on the one goal that will lead to your success. This is your time to shine and to come out on top.

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