

Kimmer and Paul Buono of Detroit's Masonic Temple

Have some very exciting news.... I just opened a new show company. Retro: Kimmer Productions. I have been producing public events forever. Just got a bug to start doing big shows once more. Detroit needs some NEW GIGS!! Working on some exciting music gigs too which we'll talk about later...

The very first thing I had to do was get into PT Barnum mode once more. Making the trek down to Cobo Hall for Autorama was my first step. Cobo Hall was my favorite venue and I used to work there 3 times a year. Love Cobo Hall. Just walking around inside puts me back in time and gives me a promoter rush.

Masonic Temple Main Theater

Once I began getting back into the groove I went and opened RK Productions. Busy building a website for my newest endeavor... Once I had a company name I needed some dates to begin selling my first show. I plan to do an all Detroit Fan Show for December 2011. It will feature essentially everything that is cool about DETROIT! Music, Sports, Theater, Film, Retail, Restaurants, Clubs, and Educational groups. Big project to be sure...

Beautiful Masonic Architecture

My choice of venue for this show is the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi. Formerly Rock Financial ?Showplace and Novi Expo. I just love the SCS owner Blair Bowman and he was the first call I placed. As much as I love Cobo Hall I wanted to begin in a supportive environment with friends. That would be with Blair and his great staff...

Skating rink at Masonic where the Rockettes practiced

I met with Blair and put some dates on hold for this year and 2012. Now to begin delving into the nuts and bolts or designing some really new and different events that the general public will enjoy. New and different being the key words in that statement. Not the same old sportsman or home shows for me...

Masonic Main Theater with just spotlights (so cool!)

Kimmer in a box seat in the Cathedral

On this second trip I spent over 2 hours following Paul all over this massive building. It was a huge maze of theaters, chapels, ballrooms, lodge meeting rooms, and even an old swimming pool which was never completed in 1929 due to the stock market crash and following economic depression. We peeked into this old pool room and it reminded me of the Titantic! My photos were too dark to show it to you but at the BOTTOM of the pool was a DUCK!!! Dead duck as Paul told me LOL

Masonci pool resident DUCK

The chandeliers fascinate me and I got some really cool Phantom of the Opera style shots. I have seen Phantom at Masonic it is my favorite show of all time.

Cool chandelier at Masonic

Paul told all about how they produce Phantom of the Opera live onstage. How they drop that dramatic chandelier and pull the boat across the stage. Simply fascinating!

Paul took me into so many cool places the average visitor never sees. The under floor catwalk where Paul goes in to change the stage light bulbs... Shades of Phantom!

Paul with all the electrical for the Main Theater

Loved checking out the electrical set up for the main theater. On this trip Paul turned up the house lights in all the rooms so I could really see the fabulous architecture. Just really fantastic!

Paul Buono

We really had such a great time hanging with Paul. This trip I wore my Nikes so I could keep up with the man! After 2 hours I was really beat...

Detroit view from the rooftop of Masonic

Paul was taking through an upper hallway and suddenly asked me if I wanted to check out the rooftop! Heck YEAH!! We went outside and we were so high up it was a bit daunting. Also it was freezing! Had no coat on and the wind was really whipping. How many people have been on that roof? Great place to watch the fireworks during the Freedom Festival.

Paul and Kimmer on the rooftop (how cool is that??)

We met with Steve (below) the operations manager of Masonic and his guitar player son Matt. Matt toured around with me for a little bit until he got an urgent cell phone call and sped off. Great kid.

Steve and Matt

Checking out the new Novi Suburban Collection Showcase was a joy for me as well. I hadn't been in Blair Bowman's new building. The last time I was at a show in Novi it was Outdoorama at Novi Expo. This had to be in 1995 when I was doing my own shows in Oscoda and Alpena Michigan. I owned the Huron Ausable Sportsman Show on the former Wurtsmith Airforce Base.

Beautiful logo drape hanging in the main lobby of Novi. The new building has some really glamorous rooms. Lots of room for exhibits, dancing, and live music. I plan to feature exhibits with live music.

Front entrance of SCS Novi

It was exciting for me to walk into this beautiful building. It has been a long time (1996) since I had my own show company. I have learned so much more about Detroit since the 80's and I can't wait to pitch in to help Detroit take advantage of it's fantastic music industry.

Blair Bowman

It was so great to see Blair Bowman again. The last time I sat at a boardroom table with him I was there to hammer a deal for a Super Sale type show. As Blair says, Kim had a really good day! Meaning he gave me a really great deal on the building. (Novi Expo) Need that free parking Blair!

SCS board room where we had our meeting

Main hallway of SCS

Beautiful lobby of SCS

This building is just gorgeous! Can't wait to see it full of Detroit fans!

Hard working show decorator

Had to pop into a show under construction and shoot a photo. This show was beautiful with the blue carpet, pipe and drape. Nostalgic moment for Kimmer...


Fast Film said...

At least the duck is potty-trained to stand over the grating! Nice essay on creating commerce in Detroit in a fun way.

Allan said...

Got to meet Blair last year at the wine show. Great and genuine guy! You will do well working with him!
Allan Goode

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