

PAUL: "There were millions of kids at the airport, which nobody had expected. We heard about it in mid-air. There were journalists on the plane, and the pilot had rang ahead and said, 'Tell the boys there's a big crowd waiting for them.' We thought, 'Wow! God, we really have made it.' "

Today marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' US debut. On this date in 1964, The Beatles flew together across the Atlantic for the first time, in hopes of cracking the USA - something no British band had yet managed to do.

By the time the third and last of their first Beatles Ed Sullivan broadcasts aired - a little more than two weeks after their arrival - the band would be back home, having made broadcasting history and their trip to the US a phenomenal and unprecedented success.

 To commemorate The Beatles' seminal first US visit, from now until 23rd February we'll be posting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram each day about the significant events that led to Beatlemania spreading across the States.

Check-in daily for photos and video from the tour, and the story of how The Beatles managed to accomplish what then had seemed impossible to do - making it in the USA.

Today, we've posted some original news footage covering their arrival, and yesterday we posted the backstory behind their visit.

Check back tomorrow to read about their second day in New York City and the Ed Sullivan rehearsals they had to do without George - who had came down with flu the night before:  https://www.facebook.com/thebeatles

You can also take a tour through the bands' whole 1964 journey from obscurity to record-breaking success in the USA via our commemorative website.

There, you can get the inside story of each major event from the visit. We've uploaded photos and original film footage, too, and will be uploading more throughout the next couple of weeks: usalbums.thebeatles.com

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