

February’s full moon, called the Full Snow Moon, reaches peak fullness at 2:34 A.M. EST on Sunday, February 9. For the best view of this Moon, look for it on the night of Saturday, February 8; it will rise in the east and reach its highest point in the sky around midnight.

The February Full Moon is named after the snow on the ground. Some Native American tribes named this the Hunger Moon; others called it the Storm Moon.

In ancient times, it was common to track the changing seasons by following the lunar month rather than the solar year, which the 12 months in our modern calendar are based on.

For millennia, people across Europe, as well as Native American tribes, named the months after features they associated with the Northern Hemisphere seasons, and many of these names are very similar or identical.

The next full moon will be:
Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 2:33:17 am (EST)
Moon sign: Leo 20° 00'

In other time zones:
WELLINGTON = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 8:33:17 pm (NZDT)
SYDNEY = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 6:33:17 pm (AEDT)
TOKYO = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 4:33:17 pm (JST)
BEIJING = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 3:33:17 pm (CST)
BANGKOK = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 2:33:17 pm (ICT)
DELHI = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 1:03:17 pm (IST)
DUBAI = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 11:33:17 am (GST)
MOSCOW = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 10:33:17 am (MSK)
BERLIN = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 8:33:17 am (CET)
LAGOS = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 8:33:17 am (WAT)
LONDON = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 7:33:17 am (GMT)
RIO = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 4:33:17 am (BRT)
SANTIAGO = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 4:33:17 am (CLST)
NEW YORK = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 2:33:17 am (EST)
MEXICO CITY = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 1:33:17 am (CST)
CALGARY = Sunday * 9 February 2020 * 12:33:17 am (MST)
LOS ANGELES = Saturday * 8 February 2020 * 11:33:17 pm (PST)
ANCHORAGE = Saturday * 8 February 2020 * 10:33:17 pm (AKST)
HONOLULU = Saturday * 8 February 2020 * 9:33:17 pm (HAST)

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