A Note to Family, Friends & Fans from Dan Toler:
Hello Friends & Family, First of all I thank each and every one of you for being such good people and I want all of you to know I love you very much with all my heart and soul. Rhino is correct in stating that he and I happen to be in the same boat with illnesses trying to take us down.
We are both fighters and a couple of strong willed men that happen to love playing music for our family, friends and fans. We both have been dealt a tough way out of this life. Jesus Christ is going to take care of the both of us and just maybe a cure will come along. Rhino has the liver to deal with and I have been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
Neither one of us know how much time we have left but then again this is true with each and every one of us. I know in my heart without God I am doomed. I thank my wife Debby Toler for taking care of me like no other person in this world could. She has been my rock for many many years and I love Debby with all my heart and soul. Thank you Lord for having Debby in my life.
I love doing benefits for people that need help and I never ever thought a benefit would have to be held for me. It definetly breaks my heart but I want to thank everyone helping out with this event. Without our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ there is no reason to exist and He is offering everlasting life to all who believe in Him. Trust in the Lord. May God bless you all and keep you forever, Amen.
Your Friend,
Dan Toler
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