

The first installment of an eight-part video series on the making of Aerosmith's upcoming album, Music from Another Dimension!, has debuted online. The three-minute segment, titled "The Beginning," kicks off with some cartoon-inspired graphics similar to the new record's cover. It features footage of the band members meeting with their longtime producer Jack Douglas and jamming away in a rehearsal studio.

Bassist Tom Hamilton does a voice-over for the video, and discusses how Aerosmith began focusing on making an album of new tunes for the first time since 2001's Just Push Play.

"Over the last few years, we definitely have sort of had a couple of false starts, where we actually did a lot of really good work," he explains. "We did really create a vision in our heads about putting out an Aerosmith album and what we wanted it to be like."

Hamilton adds that the band's busy touring schedule was a factor in distracting Aerosmith from spending the time needed to come up with fresh material. He then notes that once Douglas signed on for the project, he "knew that we were gonna have a really fun, cool record."

The bassist points out that working in the studio with Douglas "started that process where we start to rehearse, where riffs come up, where we recognize a riff going by and make sure to remember it, we record it and then we take it and we mold it into a song."

Look for the second episode, "Writing," to premiere soon. Music from Another Dimension! hits stores on November 6.

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