

Justice deals with the idea of karma and the law of cause and effect, stating that all events, and all people, are connected. It's important to remember that not everything you are dealing with, however, is a direct result of your own actions or karma. 

Sometimes you will be called upon to deal with the results of the actions of someone you care about, and this can sometimes be as difficult and demanding as it is when you're up against something that is completely of your own making. Don't blame yourself unnecessarily.

The Justice card evokes the need for fairness, balance, and harmony. Operate in as balanced and reasonable a fashion as you can. This includes in how you think about and treat yourself. If you are directly involved with a court case, it is likely to be resolved, at least in large degree, in your favor. 

This is a time to work on being grounded. Do you feel as though you are connected to the earth and your fellow man? Can you be "in the world" but not "of the world?" Balance again is the theme here. Working on keeping the proper perspective about life will help you to stay centered. 

respecting justice
insisting on fairness
acting on ethical principles
being involved in legal concerns
committing to honesty
seeking equality
being impartial
trying to do what is right
assuming responsibility
settling old accounts and debts
being accountable
acknowledging the truth
admitting involvement
handling the situation
doing what has to be done
preparing for a decision
weighing all sides of an issue
setting a course for the future
balancing all factors
determining right action
choosing with full awareness
understanding cause and effect
accepting the results you created
seeing how you chose your situation
recognizing the action of karma
knowing that what is makes sense
making connections between events

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